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Chadwick Ginther part of Story Bundle

Chadwick Ginther's Thunder Road Trilogy is  part of StoryBundle along with severl other authors.

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Books 2 and 3 of Chadwick Ginther's Thunder Road Trilogy are part of a new Exclusive Dark Fantasy and SF Bundle from Storybundle. Story Bundles are curated collections which let you, the reader, support the curated authors by paying what you feel the story or bundle is worth. You can read more about how Story Bundle works here. The Exclusive Dark Fantasy and SF Bundle includes 11 novels featuring works by Tone Milazzo, Claude Lalumière, by Derryl Murphy, Paul Di Filippo, Nick Mamatas, Matt Moore,  Douglas Smith, and of course, Chadwick Ginther. 

Also, to compliment your Thunder Road reading for the duration of the StoryBundle promotion, Thunder Road, the book that kicked the whole series off, will be available for 3.95 through Amazon. 


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