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In the Works: Poetry by Alice Major

OCTOBER 03, 2022

Turnstone Press is pleased to announce the upcoming spring 2023 release of Alice Majory's newest collection of poetry, Knife on Snow.

What portents must you divine when a knife falls from the sky into your snow covered yard? With Knife on Snow, Alice Major employs history, myth, and science to understand a world ablaze. As you would expect in Alice Major’s expert hands this unwinding yields to an evolution, a discovery, an acceptance of struggles' end and the possibility of a tomorrow unknown. All from Knife on Snow.

Alice Major has published eleven collections of poetry, two novels for young adults and an award-winning collection of essays about poetry and science. A long time advocate for the arts, Alice is the founder of the Edmonton Poetry Festival and was that city's first poet laureate. Knife on Snow will be her twelfth poetry collection.

Established in 1976, Turnstone Press publishes some of the most exciting and innovative poetry, fiction, and nonfiction in Canada. In 1998, Turnstone Press launched its genre imprint, Ravenstone, publishing mysteries, thrillers, cli-fi, and speculative fiction.

For more information about Knife on Snow and Alice Major, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Rights inquiries about Knife on Snow should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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