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In the Works: New Poetry by Kim Fahner

FEBRUARY 28, 2024

Turnstone Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of Kim Fahner’s latest poetry collection, The Pollination Field, to be released spring 2025.

Kim Fahner’s The Pollination Field is a poetic foray into the literal and metaphorical world of bees, but it also includes an exploration of other pollinators—bats, beetles, birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and even humans. In these poems, Fahner continues with her poetic observation and documentation of how the human world impacts the environment, but also incorporates myth and feminism in her consideration of how women evolve over time.

A former Poet Laureate for the City of Greater Sudbury, where she lives and writes, Kim Fahner is the author of five full-length collections of poetry, and two chapbooks. Her debut novel, The Donoghue Girl, is forthcoming in Fall 2024 (Latitude 46). A poetry editor for Consilience, an online journal that explores the spaces where the sciences and arts meet, Kim is also the First Vice-Chair of The Writers' Union of Canada (2023-25), a full member of the League of Canadian Poets, and a supporting member of the Playwrights Guild of Canada.

Established in 1976, Turnstone Press publishes some of the most exciting and innovative poetry, fiction, and nonfiction in Canada. In 1998, Turnstone Press launched its genre imprint, Ravenstone, publishing mysteries, thrillers, cli-fi, and speculative fiction.

For more information about The Pollination Field and Kim Fahner, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Rights inquiries about The Pollination Field should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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