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In the Works: New Creative Nonfiction by Nathan Dueck

FEBRUARY  26, 2024

Turnstone Press is pleased to announce the acquisition of Nathan Dueck’s creative memoir, (1979–  ), to be released fall 2024.

Nathan Russel Dueck has done a few things that he’d rather you not know about until long after he’s dead. Were these things to get out, the news would put him in an early grave. See, these things aren’t just embarrassing, they’re mortifying. The problem is that keeping these things inside is somehow preventing Nathan Russel Dueck from really living.

(1979–   ) collects these mortifications as a series of "epitaphs." Occasionally hilarious, often heartbreaking, and usually harrowing, these memories are always true. (... ish)

Nathan Russel Dueck lost a staring contest with his hometown of Winkler, MB, after eighteen years. He blinked and had to move away. He now lives in Cranbrook, BC, where he teaches English and Creative Writing at the College of the Rockies. He is the author of king’s(mère) (Turnstone Press), he’ll (Pedlar Press), and A Very Special Episode (Buckrider Books). In (1979–  ), his debut memoir, Nathan says some things about himself that are (maybe) better left unsaid.

Established in 1976, Turnstone Press publishes some of the most exciting and innovative poetry, fiction, and nonfiction in Canada. In 1998, Turnstone Press launched its genre imprint, Ravenstone, publishing mysteries, thrillers, cli-fi, and speculative fiction.

For more information about (1979–  ) and Nathan Dueck, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Rights inquiries about (1979–  ) should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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