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Something happened to ignite us. A spark. An article in the newspaper. Suddenly we were compelled, inspired.
Turnstone published No Escape from Greatness in Fall 2016.
I’m writing this in summer, 2020. Not much has changed in this time
Stories function as a time capsule for me, a place to preserve emotional truths—the feelings, if not the facts.
If a writer doesn’t writethe stories, they are lost to silence, and that silence is deafening.
Let me tell you a secret: I believe that poetry saves lives.
There is evidence-based brain research to suggest that
Whenever I write, I draw upon a memory. Sometimes I do so consciously. More often than not, though, it is without any real awareness. I just know
The collection’s binding force from the start was The End—and all endings
Most writers draw on their experiences for whatever they write. I saw this as an exotic trip that would provide all kinds of incidents and
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