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Still Me

Still Me

ISBN: 9780888017130
Author: Jeffrey John Eyamie

Golf is the only way I know to control time. It happens in the millisecond of that focused backswing, right before the violence of intention.

When I escape time, I escape memory. In that way, golf is an alchemy. A magick. I am a practicing magician.

When James Khoury discovers that his prized golf memorabilia from some of Canada's best golf courses has been destroyed, he journeys back through memories of being on the fairway, his struggles with gnawing ineptitude, and a troubled relationship with his wife and son.

Slowly, his memory precipitates to reveal something deeper at work, and James finds himself in the midst of a game where the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Awards and Honours

Shortlisted: Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction

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