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Bird on a Wire

In this UnderCover interview, we chat with Laura Carter, that artist behind the watercolour image on the cover of Lauren Carter's Following Sea.

Di Brandt provides some truly fascinating insight into the careful work that went into writing her latest collection, Glitter & fall: Laozi's Dao De Jing: Transinhalations.

Lauren Carter discusses how to stay the course during a lengthy (and deeply personal) writing process in our latest Quatrain Questions interview.

In our latest UnderCover interview, we chat with Kevin McKay, owner of Bayshore Gifts and the artist behind the cover of Shirley Camia's Mercy.

 If a writer doesn’t write the stories, they are lost to silence, and that silence is deafening. 

My studio is pure potential.

In the second of Turnstone Press's new UnderCover interview series, we chat with Tanya Athannassova, owner of Silk Scarves Colorado and the artist behind the cover of Ella Zeltserman's The Air is Elastic.

Ella Zeltserman chats about exile and toska in this Quatrain Question interview.

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